Data Entry
The opening stock count for SAP is imported by the SAP consultants as an inventory Goods Receipt.
Inventory is critical for go-live and the Goods Receipt must be entered before the SAP system can go live.
The SAP Consultant will ensure that the final inventory account balances meet those provided by the client from the legacy system. Any differences due to rounding will be identified and brought to the client’s attention.
The client must provide the ProjectLine consultant with a Microsoft Excel file that contains the SAP item codes, the warehouse code, the quantity, and the cost. Multiplying the quantity by the cost and summarizing those values within the spreadsheet should match the inventory balance from the legacy system’s trial balance.
This process typically takes 4-8 hours. If serial or batch numbers are required this process can be much longer.
Exceptions if Historical Entries are Required
If historical entries have been added to the system the inventory account balances should be brought back to zero before entering the stock posting.
Additional Notes
If a WMS system is integrated with SAP and bin locations are being used a physical stock count must precede go-live.
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