To copy PLD or Crystal Report from one company to another:
Step 1: Export Data from Source Company
- Log into the company that you would like to export the data from.
- Go to Modules > Administration > System Initialization > Implementation Center > Implementation Tasks > Data management tab. Click Copy Data Between Companies.
- In the Quick Copy window, define Copy to File path and error handling. Click OK to proceed to the next window.
- Click on Customization - Print layouts and Reports, then select the the custom reports or layouts you would like to export on the right hand side. Click Export.
- You may receive receive a data dependencies warning. Export the data if information is not contained in the other company already.
- The result is displayed when export is complete.
Step 2: Import Data to Destination Company
Important: To import the PLD and Crystal Reports, please make sure there are no other users connected and no other connections to the company, otherwise, you will receive the following error:
Cannot perform the action due to existing company connections. Open the 'Connected Clients' form under 'Utilities' menu to view all existing connections for the current company. Close them before performing this action again.
- Login to the company you want to import the data to.
- Go to Modules > Administration > System Initialization > Implementation Center > Implementation Tasks > Data management tab. Click Copy Data Between Companies.
- In the Quick Copy window, select Copy From. Define copy method, error handling and copy option.
Note: You have an option - force backup before starting copy process. This would be a good idea in case you would like to revert back the import. - Review the records and select Import.
- Result will be displayed when import process is finished.
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