Every new SAP Business One user runs into this at least once, and sometimes more often. You come to work one morning and sit down at your desk to create an invoice. The only problem is, it doesn’t post. Some obscure error message pops up saying “the date deviates from permissible range”?
This could mean that it’s time to create new posting periods. Watch this short webinar to learn the procedure for creating new posting periods. You’ll also learn about some of the options available around accounting periods. Lastly, you’ll see how to set a reminder in SAP Business One to create your posting periods for the next year.
'13th Period' Adjustments
Thanks for posting the question! You cannot setup a 13th period; however on your journal entries, you will note there is an option in the top right-hand corner labelled Adj. Trans. (Period 13). You can toggle this on to identify a Journal Entry as a period 13 correcting entry.
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